The Twist Hotel is based on guests choosing their rooms based on color or favorite cocktail. The hotel is in NY because of the effect the prohibition had on NY. This dynamic concept uses circles and geometric shapes inspired by glass shapes, coasters, and the circular rim of glasses to encase photographs, and conceptual elements. Using mostly photoshop to alter photographs including my own photographs and graphic elements throughout the brochure and various products the hotel offers their guests.

Publication utilizing photoshop and indesign (8.5x10”)

NY is home to one of the largest museums in America, The MET. The Twist Hotel pays tribute to art styles like pop art, cubism, and abstract artwork with the brochure and products because of the heavy influence of art in NY. Bartenders tend to follow their dreams in NY as it is one of the major hubs of mixology and alcohol, the hotel promotes and welcomes bartenders near and far.

Product Design 

Process Book


BOND Skin Care: Branding & Product